Sep 12, 2022
Why do you need identification and other documents in your emergency kit?
Well, it’s not to fuel a makeshift fire (that’s what waterproof matches are for). It’s to be able to rebuild your life after a disaster or emergency.
Think about it. If your house is destroyed in a hurricane, for example, do you have a...
Dec 6, 2019
What kind of medical supplies do you need in your emergency kit to...?
Aug 21, 2019
Why do you need maps in your emergency kit?
Well, you may not always have access to GPS. If you can’t access your smartphone or if you can’t access the cellular network, you may need a map to find your way to an emergency shelter and or an evacuation camp.
So, what kinds of maps do you need in your emergency kit?
Jun 5, 2019
How do you create and store an emergency water supply?
1. Calculate the amount of water you need. You’ll want at least 1 gallon per day per person or pet for at least 3 days. This water will be for both drinking and hygiene.
Apr 16, 2019
What food should you keep in your emergency kit? And how much?
For each person, you’ll want to have at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food items. Ideally, you should have foods that don’t make people thirsty (i.e., low sodium foods) and foods that are specific to individual dietary restrictions (i.e.,...