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Welcome to The Disaster Diaries of Rhyane Jane, a serial fiction podcast about disaster preparedness and survival! We hope you enjoy Season 1 of the show. Season 2 is currently in development, and let's just say that it's even bigger and better than the first season. Stay tuned...2025. 🌊

PREP TIPS: Know What Disaster You Could Face

Jun 7, 2019

Knowing what natural disasters are common and when, given your location, is a key part of being prepared.

While earthquakes can happen anywhere without warning, the highest risk areas of the United States include California, Alaska, and Mississippi River Valley. Live in those areas? Learn how to prepare for...

Item of the Week: Water

Jun 5, 2019

How do you create and store an emergency water supply?

1. Calculate the amount of water you need. You’ll want at least 1 gallon per day per person or pet for at least 3 days. This water will be for both drinking and hygiene.

  • 1 person = 1 gallon X 1 (person) X 3 (days) = 3 gallons total
  • 4 people = 1 gallon X...

Jun 4, 2019

The ground is full of despair, but bits of hope emerge.